
Musique is an open source Music Player with the goal of being appreciated by users for its efficient simplicity and made for those users that may find other players too complex and cumbersome.

This Music player offers you great and useful features that will make you forget about all those commercial players.

Musique can automatically fix misspellings in track titles, album titles and artist names, freeing you from manually tagging your files. Also you can browse between your songs, albums or artist by their pictures that you previously set on your files.

With Musique you can create and organize your playlist on the easiest way, and also find and show the song lyrics in the Info View, hiding everything but what’s related to the currently playing track.


  • Automatically fixes misspellings and case in track titles, album titles and artist names, freeing you from the hassle of manually tagging your files.
  • Musique never ever modifies your files; it stores all of its data in its own database.
  • Browse artist photos, album covers and folders too, so you can organize your music your way.
  • Has an immersive “Info View” you can switch to when listening. It contains valuable information about the current track, album and artist. When a new song starts, it will auto-update.
  • Supports scrobbling to
  • Displays song lyrics stored inside your MP3s
  • Musique has just a single play queue. You can’t go wrong; it’s always there on the right.
  • Takes advantage of QuickTime on the Mac and VLC on Windows and thus supports all common audio formats.
  • Not an iTunes addon. It’s a completely independent application that does one thing and does it well.
  • Translated to more than 20 languages including German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian and Chinese.

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Twitter: @flaviotordini



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